Monday, April 20, 2020

The Art of Olde School Wizardry III

The Cryptic Lure of Cho

A shallow, unadorned chest, surmounted by a broad, metal funnel, the Cryptic Lure of Cho
looks fairly innocuous.  Four evenly spaced pipettes, connected by brass tubing to a small, tightly sealed, cylindrical reservoir, release a slow drip of a viscous fluid down the inner slope of the funnel and into the dark confines of the chest.  

The reservoir is fitted with a dial that can be turned to increase or decrease the flow of liquid, which acts as a powerful bait, compelling any living thing touching, smelling, or tasting it to immediately consume as much as it can, following the trickle down the smooth, inner face of the funnel [DC 20 Wits check to resist].

Any creature or object passing through the broad opening at the bottom of the funnel is
immediately disintegrated. Typically used to lure and dispose of rats and other vermin, the scent of the liquid bait is only detectable by humans at very close range and so poses no real danger except to the recklessly curious.


Stubert Halp’s pet dwarf badger “Maurfin” has gone missing, and he is keen to enlist the help of some other wizards in finding his lost companion.

Investigation will reveal that Maurfin managed to tunnel his way down into a long-forgotten
cavern where verminites now gather in great numbers, revering the Cryptic Lure of Cho as
the pathway to a cruel and alluring god.

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