Character Generation
- roll stats 3d6 in order ("roll em and weep")
- stat bonus range of -4 to +4 (3rd edition style), just because it is easy for me to remember
- race-as-class is the default (but I'll make exceptions)
- no level limits (not that it's likely to matter)
- two human classes: fighter and magic-user (all rangers, barbarians, swashbucklers, paladins, etc. = fighters; all mystics, wizards, sorcerers, witches, etc. = magic-users ... players can still call them whatever they want of course)
- B/X races (gnomes = halflings, half-orcs = ugly humans)
- 1d6 for hit dice, fighters & dwarves get 1d6+2
- no weapon restrictions by class (weapons do 1d6, two-handed 2d6)
- no armor restrictions by class (but metal armor prevents casting)
- 3d6 x 10 starting money or chain mail and four pieces of gear
Saving Throws
- fighters and dwarves add their level to hit rolls, magic-users do not
- ascending AC (leather +2, chain +4, plate +6)
- most shields grant +2 to AC
- natural 20 always hits
- natural 20 = double damage, 1 = broken weapon (unless it is magical)
- fighters can forfeit 5 points of attack bonus to take an additional, unmodified attack

- single, universal saving throw, starting at 15+ for all classes
- poison inflicts damage (e.g. 1 hp/round until successful save, 3d6 after 2 rounds, etc.)
- natural 20 always saves
- no xp bonuses for stats / prime requisites
- retainers take a full share of xp, but only advance at half-rate
- 100 xp / hit die for monsters defeated
- 1 xp / gp spent
- no skills (roll under stat on d20 or saving throw if vaguely class-related)
- death checks at zero hp (1 fail = d6 days to recover, 2 fails = maimed/stat reduction, 3 fails = dead)
- advantage/disadvantage vs fiddly situational modifiers on attacks or saves for things like cover
- no encumbrance, characters can run and fight while bearing 4 "regular" items, more than that incurs disadvantage
- no declaration phase (spells never get interrupted)
- retainers pass morale check at end of each adventure or retire
- halfling sneakiness: this is just a Dexterity check. Most halflings have high Dex.
- elven door-spotting: this is just a Wisdom check. Most elves have high Wis stats.
- dwarf trap spotting: this is just a Wisdom check. Most dwarves have high Wis stats.
- magic-users begin with Read Magic + Int mod random level 1 spells in their books. They have to go out and find others.
- magic-users can cast 5th ed. Prestidigitation cantrip at will, no other cantrips exist
- no "chance to learn" rolls for spells found
- magic-users have spell slots equal to their level, so a level 3 M-U could cast 3 Charm Person spells or one Fireball (3 hit dice of course) if those spells are in his book
- magic-users spells include everything from the B/X cleric lists (except Continual Light, which is deleted)
- Sleep affects 1D6 HD per level slot used to cast it, Magic Missile hits automatically (if you are lucky enough to have it)
- only magic-users can use scrolls
- magic-users can use spellbook like a scroll in a pinch
- metal armor grants advantage on saves vs magical enchantments
- wearing metal armor prevents casting
- Raise Dead only works on humans, and reduces the recipient one experience level (Normal Man types cannot be raised)
- elves have a smaller spell list. They cannot use scrolls and do not utilize spellbooks. Instead, elves spontaneously learn one random spell each time they level up.
Elf spell list:
Fear/Remove Fear
Mirror Image
Phantasmal Force
Equipment, Treasure, and Such
- plate mail is expensive (c. 600 gp)
- scrolls/potions can be purchased for 500 gp / level (minimum)
- scrolls/potions can be created for 500 gp / level AND a successful saving throw (rolled when the item is used). Read Magic or Brew Potion must be cast along with the target spell when scrolls or potions are created.
- +1, +2, +3 magic items don't exist, but weapons of quality do
- coins weigh about 50 per pound
- no flaming lantern oil, but alchemist's fire at potion cost
- hoards of coins are described by weight, value is determined back in town
- d6 for hit dice
- number of hit dice = monster's attack and save bonus
- breath attacks do 1d6 per hit die
- no level drain, instead attacks from wights, wraiths, and vampires cause permanent hp loss
- only 7 types of "true undead" exist; mindless, animated corpses are merely magical constructs and cannot be turned
- turning intelligent undead: anyone can attempt to turn (creature gets a saving throw)
Still Pondering ...
- pondering 1/10/500 values on copper, silver, gold ("silver standard")
- how to handle picking locks? Dexterity check? I like the idea of traps, secret doors, and locks having "levels." Perhaps the lock gets a save?
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