Never one to shy away from system heresy, I'm running it using 5th edition D&D, both to challenge myself to stay abreast of changes in the game and to help the players become familiar with a game that they can actually find being sold retail in our community (Pathfinder being the only other real choice in that department).
The lads (all four players are male) created what may have been the squishiest party I've ever seen, with two wizards and two rogues / thieves with nobody wearing any protection better than plain old leather armor, except for the fact that, as a sort of afterthought, they hired a pair of mail-clad mercenaries from the nearby fastness of Muntburg.
Our explorers:
- Grim, a former soldier of the Muntburg garrison who was branded for thieving (we don't yet know if he is innocent or not) and who is persona non grata around the fortress. Grim offered to act as a guide, steering the party to the foot of the haunted mountain.
- Haka, a socially off-putting wizard who is obsessed with walking in the legendary footsteps of Turms Termax.
- Vale, a persuasive female adept of the magical arts. Over the last few weeks she has had strange, vivid dreams of the mountain and powerful minds waking and stirring in the depths.
- Y'draneal, an elf who sees in the long-sealed fortress of Dwimmermount the chance to pull off the largest burglary job in memory. As the group's only demi-human he does what he can to keep his race concealed, though he is sometimes betrayed by the cinnamon-like odor he emits.

Passing the Red Doors of Dwimmermount's first level with surprising ease, the party seemed quite interested in interacting with the various statues they found, going so far as to look for levers or ancient inscriptions.
Soon, however, the party seemed to fall victim to the same odd, lemming-like spirit that I've seen strike many dungeon delvers of their age ... despite a few suggestions that it might not be a wise course, they split the party ... then spit it again.
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art by Chad Thorson |
On the other hand, Haka and Grim seemed propelled forward by a mix of greed and the need to be the first to find the next thing of interest. Their headlong exploration soon led them into contact with some kind of porcine beastmen wearing the remnants of ancient Thulian armor.
A Charm spell on the foremost creature forestalled immediate combat, but the session ended with the pair dashing back up the long hallway with a whole pack of the brutes at their heels.
As a DM, this left me pondering once again what impels such blind recklessness among my players.
I think that electronic games are probably a contributing factor.
In fact, in Zelda, the newly discovered door or passage is nearly always the right way to go. Rational, efficient game play includes dashing into unexplored areas with the greatest speed possible. Death isn't really an obstacle because of Link plunges to his doom down some chasm you just restart (with all the same equipment), having only lost a little progress.
What makes perfect sense on a console platform, however, is a recipe for failure and frustration in a classic table-top game.
I'll be interested in seeing if I can shift these young lads to different mode of play.